
Thursday 25 October 2018

555 Timer - Monostable mode

555 Timer monostable circuit diagram, monostable multivibrator

Monostable operation have one stable state and an unstable state. By default, the circuit rests in its stable state but it can be switched over into its alternate state whenever there is an external trigger on its trigger terminal(pin 2) where it will stay for a period of time before moving to its default state. The trigger voltage must be below one-third of the supply voltage(VCC/3). 

555 IC Pinout

1 Ground
2 Trigger
3 output
4 Reset
5 Control voltage
6 Threshold
7 Discharge
8 Vcc

Components Used

  • 555 IC
  • 10K 
  • 100uF
  • 330R
  • 104
  • LED
  • Push button

The RC components (R1 and C1) determines the pulsewidth using the constant 1.1R1C1.
This implies that changing the value the resistor or the capacitor will result to a change in the duration of the pulse.

555 monostable waveform
555 timer monostable waveform

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