
Sunday 25 November 2018


The word robot was coined from the word ROBOTA which means "forced labour".
Robot is an electromechanical machine embedded with artificial intelligence (AI) which is reprogrammed and executes various tasks. It is a universal machine hence, the re-programmable ability. 
Robotics technology deals with the research, design, building and controlling of robot.

All robots are machines but not all machines are robot.
Not all software's are artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence replicates human actions. If a software's does not meet this, it is not AI.


  • Control unit
  • Mechanical unit
  • Programming unit
Control Unit: This section is made up of sensors that provide feedback from the physical world to the digital world which are processed for action to be taken based on the information stored in the memory of a control computer., 

Mechanical Unit: This section of a robot is comprised of motors (stepper, servo) which provides locomotion, bearings to provide support, joints to provide a degree of freedom, end-effectors to interact with the environment and carry out assigned tasks depending on design.

Programming Unit: The control unit of a robot need to be programmed (storing of processed datain its memory). This is done in the section.


- Bomb discarding in the military
- Material handling
- Mechanical cutting
- Welding (Arc welding, spot welding)
- Painting in automotive industry
- Domestic use (pool cleaners, vacuum cleaners)
- Exploration

building blocks of a robot

building blocks of a robotic arm manipulator

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