
Monday 12 November 2018


A diode is a semi-conductor that allows current to flow in one direction from anode to cathode and blocks the opposite direction. Diodes are polarised; the positive terminal is the anode and the negative terminal is the cathode.

Looking at a diode, the coloured band at one of the terminal is the negative terminal (cathode).

Factors to consider before choosing a diode for an application is the current rating and the peak inverse voltage (PIV) rating. The peak inverse voltage rating is the maximum voltage beyond which the diode will suffer a breakdown. The current rating is the maximum amount of current a diode can withstand without overheating and failing.


  • Light Emitting Diode: These diodes emit light that are visible to the human eye when current is applied. Different colours such as red, green, blue, white, yellow are available.
  • Zener Diode: Zener diodes are used for voltage regulation due to their ability to limit voltage to a predefined level.
  • Bridge Rectifier: This is a combination of four diodes that converts an AC to DC.
  • Photo Diode: This type of diode is used o detect light.

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